Sunday, September 2, 2012


I can't believe it's been since JUNE that I posted last!!! It's been an interesting summer (to say the least) and one with little to no real crafting.  I've been babysitting, working with my tutoring program and working to turn my outbuilding into a craft room of my very own.  Now that school is back in session, I'm subbing and doing the tutoring program thing, so I'm working from 7:30 am - 6 pm most days of the week and can't find the time to make stuff... :(   

Here are some of the things I HAVE managed this summer:

This is the Elfa shelving I bought for the craft room....SOOO in love with this storage system!! Expensive, but worth it. Since this was a display, I got it for 1/2 price! :)

A/C went into the building/craft room.....

Picked out my paint colors (Lime Sorbet and Lilac Bouquet)

We FINALLY got all the walls completed and the Rafters, Ceiling and Lights, OH MY!!!!!  Hahahahahahaha......

And here it is, all painted and ready for if only I could get the floors bought and in......oh, and I guess the moldings, too....

But wait. I saved the best pix for last:

This is me, all covered in paint! Well, primer. This was just after I finished the primer on the you can tell by the top picture, I even got the primer in my eye! It was stuck to my contacts! LOL

Well, I hope I have given you some laughs for today, but I will also leave you with a few crafts that I have managed to make this summer:

A card for a Christmas in July swap....the tree is a stamp that I cut out and mounted on an Action Wobble :)

This was a monthly card swap who's theme was "fruity". So, I made a waterfall card and stamped fruits on it.  I also used a new technique I learned to make the fruits "scratch n sniff".  All you do is combine Kool-Aid with clear embossing powder. Simple!

And this was for a Patriotic Tag is a shaker tag with glitter inside. :)

Well, that's all for now.  Be back soon, I hope!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's Graduation Time!

It's that time of year again: GRADUATION time!!!  I'm sure many of you have had someone you know with a grad in the family, or maybe YOU have a grad in YOUR family!  At any rate, a great big CONGRATULATIONS goes out to all the grads this year! You've done it; school is out and now it's on with the rest of your lives!!  Enjoy, and the best of luck to you all!!

With that being said, here is a card I made for my Little Buddy, as I call him.  Kyle is my "little brother" by love, not blood, but he's such a good kid and has made his "big sister" VERY proud! Not only is he the ONLY one of 5 grandboys that graduated WITH HONORS, but he's off to college in the fall, first to ABAC and then to Georgia Tech to study mechanical engineering.  Again, I couldn't be more proud of him! :)  OK, OK, enough with the the actual card:

The card itself is very simple, but Kyle is a simple kind of guy. :)  The grad cap is from the Everyday Pop-Up Cards Cricut cartridge and it's cut at about 4". I cut the background layer in black, the top and body of the hat in maroon and the tassel in silver metallic.  (The school's colors are maroon and gray.)  I pop-dotted the top of the cap to give it some dimension and then attached it to a plain white card with an Action Wobble. Aren't Action Wobbles the coolest?!?!  They're complete entertainment to me, so....I just HAD to add one. :)  The word "Congrats" was cut at 1" from the Mickey Font cartridge.  I cut the Shadow feature out of the maroon cardstock and then the "regular" letters from the silver metallic cardstock.  And, that's all there is to it.  Again, very simple, but very fitting for the guy it was meant for.  I hope he enjoyed it, and I wish him all the very best in the future!


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Giveaway!!!!! Double Entries TODAY ONLY!!!!

Don't forget to enter Pink By Design's awesome CAMEO giveaway.....and TODAY ONLY, you can get DOUBLE ENTRIES!!!!! Quick, what are you waiting for???? Go enter!!!!!  All you have to do is click the picture above to link straight to the list of ways to enter.... :D

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Pink By Design has a giveaway going on!!!!  Go check it out!  Entering is so easy; you WON'T want to miss this!  Just click on the picture above; it will take you right to the giveaway!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Party Decor Blog Hop

Welcome to our Party Decor Blog Hop. We have a fantastic group of ladies who love to make party decorations and we are excited to share our projects with you today! If you just happened to find my blog, thank-you so much. However, so you don't miss awesome projects or the chance to win blog candy, you will want to start at the beginning at Laurie's Blog.

Last month was my son's 9th birthday.  His favorite "theme" right now?? ANGRY BIRDS!  Local party supply stores only had plates and napkins - no invites, banners, etc.  So, I had to go on a hunt for Angry Birds images so I could make my own decor.  Here is the invitation I found:

I just found this online via Google Images and saved it as a picture, then inserted it into a Word doc (3.5"x5" so I could get 4 to a page).  Then, I used text boxes to insert my who/what/when/where information, printed on plain white cardstock and, VOILA! Quickie (and cute!) invites.  Easy peasy!

Next, he chose to have cupcakes instead of "regular" cake.  Know what that means, right???  CUPCAKE TOPPERS!!!!  Yikes!! I had NO idea what to do for this, so I wandered Hobby Lobby for ideas.  Cupcake toppers there were nothing more than a cute image pasted on a toothpick/skewer. I could do that! So, I went on a hunt for images with which to make these toppers.  I found some in a girl's etsy shop for $5 that my son and I adored.  Unfortunately, I cannot find the link again. :(  But......later, I found some more that were, get this, FREE!!! Yes, you read that right.  Dealwise Mommy has all sorts of FREE Angry Birds stuff, including the FREE Party Kit by Shery K Designs.  This kit has it all - invites, cupcake wrappers, cupcake toppers, gift is just beyond awesome! 

Anyhoo....once I downloaded  - and printed - both sets of toppers, it was time to cut them out.  If you have the time, no punches, and/or just want fancier toppers, you can use your Cricut and the Centerpoint feature to cut out each one of the little toppers.  This way, you can use Elegant Edges or other fancy circle shape, find the center of each topper, set your fancy circle to 2", hit Centerpoint and then cut.  Be warned - time will be consumed by having to do this for each one of the toppers.  Being that we had 108 cupcakes and myself being the procrastinator that I am, though, I had to go the not-so-quick-but-quickER-route of using a 2" circle and a 2" scallop circle punch.  After cutting them all out, I just used my ATG to stick 2 of the circles together over the top of a piece of a skewer. (Cheapo that I am, I bought 100 big skewers for $2.99 and used wire cutters to cut them into 3 topper sticks each. 300 for the price of 100!)

The ones pictured on the desk in the top picture are the ones from Shery K Designs. I used the scallop circle on them.  The others, if you look closely in the picture on the bottom, are the ones I bought from etsy and used the plain circle on.  Here they are, on the cupcakes and PARTY READY:

Then, I began to wonder.....What am I going to put in the CENTER of the table???  I have 2 cupcake stands, so cupcakes were going to go at either end of the table, but what about the MIDDLE???  I had to come up with a centerpiece idea.  Being that I was out of time, I decided that my best option was to modify the cupcake toppers a bit and turn them into a centerpiece.  I punched the circles and scallops out as usual, then I just cut some skewers to different lengths, put the modified toppers in a vase of pebbles and, TA DA!! Instant centerpiece!  Here is a look at how that turned out:

And, as if this post weren't long enough already, I wanted to also share with you guys the card I made for my son for his party/big day:

For directions on how to make the grass, bird, pig and cloudy sky, see my other post HERE as I re-made that card, minus the "Good Luck" sentiment on the inside and adding the slingshot and blocks.  The slingshot itself is just a modified Capital Y cut from Car Decals on brown cardstock that I ran through the Cuttlebug in a woodgrain embossing folder.  The "rubber band" of the slingshot is free-handed from cream cardstock.  The blocks I trimmed out of the leftover brown cardstock and ran through the woodgrain embossing folder as well.  The sentiment on the outside is printed using a free Angry Birds font I downloaded from the internet and just trimmed into a rectangle with the corners rounded and then mounted on a slightly larger rectangle-with-rounded-corners made from black cardstock.

I hope you have enjoyed my projects; I know my son sure did! He had a blast at his Angry Birds party, and REALLY enjoyed telling his friends that his Ta Ta (my mom) made his cupcakes and his Mom made the decorations! :)  (I think he was proud of us!)

Now, on to the good stuff:

BLOG CANDY is a $20 gift card to Michaels.

To win, all you have to do is comment on each of the designer's blogs. Following everyone's blog isn't required but we sure do appreciate it when someone new follows our blogs. The winner will be announced on Laurie's Blog on April 27th.

Up Next is Sheila!  

Here is the entire Line-up in case you need it:

Sandy S.
Jenny R

Monday, February 20, 2012

Miracle Blog Hop

Today is a day for miracles! We are celebrating Ethan Pinter's 1-year anniversary of the miracle of Organ Donation and Life!  Thanks to an organ donor, Ethan has been given a second chance at life and that miracle has inspired us all to contribute our own Miracle stories and projects to commemorate this important milestone.

You should have come to me by way of the wonderful and talented Anita.  If not, please begin at the beginning with Melissa.  That way, you won't miss ANY of the wonderful stories and projects!

To be honest, I couldn't pick just one miracle story.  In my family, we have experienced so MANY  miracles that it seemed remiss to leave one out in favor of another....from my Granddaddy's miraculous escape from a German prison camp in WWII, to my uncle surviving a heart attack at the age of 39, to the miracle of my son's birth and on to two of my aunts surviving breast cancer - my family has seen its share of miracles.  The biggest miracle of all (outside of my son) has to be when I was in 7th grade and accepted God into my life and was Saved.  That day showed me how many miracles truly are in each and every day of our lives.  I've learned to not take anything for granted and to try my best to "let go and let God" as much as possible.  He has our backs in EVERYTHING and to Him we should all give thanks as much as possible.  

In His grace and wisdom, though, He's given us all a Family to help us make it through all of life's rough patches, whether that Family be of blood kin or other wonderful people we've surrounded ourselves with and THAT's the Miracle I want to share today.  The Miracle that is my Family.  Without them, I would be nothing, and my son would suffer as well.  So, for my projects, I want to share the Valentine Cards I made for my wonderful family. 

As you can see, there is nothing fancy about these cards; the only Cricut cut I have are the hearts that are on the two (one with the PKS face that was for my niece) cards, but nothing other than a few punches, stamps, embossing folders and my paper trimmer.  I do LOVE the heart embossing folder, though, that I used on most of is by The Paper Studio and can be found at Hobby Lobby.  It is a great way to show someone you love them!

That being said, I used my Valentine's Day cards as my projects because I truly believe that Love and Family are some of the greatest Miracles that we have been given, and we should always show love for them however we can. :)

Thank you for celebrating Miracles with us today. I hope you have had some inspiration from my projects. Now, on to the awesomely talented Audrey.

Here is the entire lineup in case you get lost:

  1. Melissa PInter:
  2. Lisa T. -
  3. Janet R.-
  4. Jill -
  5. Kimberly ~
  6. Anita ~
  7. Autumn   You are here
  8. Audrey ~    Next
  9. Nicolette-
  10. Lisa ~
  11. Doris -
  12. Sue Ann~

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The "Ethan Pinter" Blog Hop!!!


Welcome to Blog Hop for Ethan Pinter. He is a boy that is very sick. Here is a bio from his mom, Melissa Pinter: My name is Melissa Pinter and I have a 2 year old son name Ethan Pinter who was diagnosed with a rare liver disease called Biliary Atresia att the age of two months old. This is a rare disease because he was not born with Bio Ducts. So Dr. Pintinger and the Akron Children's Team reconstructed them and the procedure was called a Kasi. So at the age of 8 months old Ethan and I were Life flighted to Cincinnati Children's because he had Upper GI bleeds. The only thing that woud help him would be a New liver. Feb 18th 2011 he had recieved a half of another babies liver. This baby saved my son's life and we are so ever so greatful. Ethan and I had waited a total of 9 months for this. We have been seperated from my husband and daughter during that time. Ethan is now 2 years old and is having complications and we are currently living at the Ronald Mcdonald House in Cincinnati till we get him better. He has two crucial virus's that he is currently fighting, they are the EBV Virus and CMV Illuminitis (Fatal Virus- it attacks every organ) .

That being said, we are making "Get Well" cards to send to Ethan, and you all are invited to make one, too!  You should have come from the talented Becky; if not, please go back to Jenn's Blog to start at the beginning of the hop!

Here is the card I made for my newest Little Buddy:

This has to be one of my favorite cards I've EVER made!! I LOVE Elmo (though probably not as much as Ethan), and I LOVE these tri-shutter cards!!!  I used absolutely nothing more than my paper trimmer, a pair of scissors, glue, my Cuttlebug and my printer for this card!  For directions on how to make the tri-shutter card, go to this link:

So, that's my card for Ethan (Mel, it will be coming your way SOON!!) and I hope you liked it!  If you, too, would like to send Ethan a card, the address to send them to is:
Melissa Pinter
Ronald Mcdonald House Room 17
350 Erkenbrecher Ave
Cincinnati Ohio 45229

Hope you have enjoyed hopping along with us!!!

I am the last stop on the hop, but if you missed anyone, here is the entire lineup so you can go back and look!

Tina C.
Tina K (Crafty and Green)
Michelle Ferris -
Lynne -
Michelle Peak -
Kimberly Pate ~
Becky -
Autumn -

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Thanks for joining us for our Happy Birthday Jesus Blog Hop. Today, we are worshiping the King & celebrating the TRUE REASON FOR THE SEASON! This Hop is Hosted by Tina from Crafty and Green. If you've hopped along from The Fantastic Kari, then you are in the right place!! If you are just joining me from your dashboard, or reading this via email, please be sure to start at the beginning with Tina (We wouldn't want you to miss a THING!!)

Thank you for Celebrating with us Today! In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the Holidays, We have to remember the one we really celebrate and love and who is the TRUE REASON FOR THE SEASON! Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


There is TONS of Great Candy in this Hop. We have 7 Sponsors for this hop with FANTASTIC PRIZES!!!!
1. Jen's Digi Stamps - (Gift Certificate)
2. Michelle's Scrapbooking & More- (Gift Certificate)
3. Heather Flaherty w/ {ippity} - (Gift Certificate)
4. Papercrafting World - (Gift Certificate)
5. Scraptastical Kreations- (Gift Certificate)
6. K Andrews Designs- (Stamp Set)
7. My Family Keepsakes- (12x12 print/page)

What You Have to Do To Be in the Running for these Fabulous Prizes:

1. The Ladies have all worked hard on their Projects, Please Comment on Every Stop Along the way on Both Days. (Separate Line up December 17th & 18th)
2. Please Become a Follower of CraftyAnd Green (

My favorite part of the Christmas Story is when the angel visits the shepherds: 
"And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this [shall be] a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
(Luke 2:9-14 KJV)

Keeping this angel in mind, my favorite Christmas craft is always to make those near and dear to me an angel pin to wear as a reminder of that wonderful night!  I hope you enjoy!

 Here are the supplies you need to make these (and don't forget the hot glue and the pin for the back!):

It's really quite simple; each angel can be made from 1/2 of a gold pipe cleaner.  You first fold the end of the pipe cleaner to make a "knot" that the beads won't slip off of. Then, you slide down 3 large paddlewheel beads and then 4 small paddlewheel beads.  With what's left of the pipe cleaner, cut it in half to get the small piece you see in the picture above.  That will be for your arms:  fold the end of the small pipe cleaner piece to form a "knot" and apply 6 small round beads.  Make the "knot" at the other end of the pipe cleaner; you should have about a half-inch to inch leeway.  Spread the beads 3 and 3 with the bit of leeway in between and then wrap around the pipe cleaner sticking up from the angel's "body" to form the arms.  After attaching the arms, slide a large round bead down the pipe cleaner to make the head.  The leftover pipe cleaner at the top is to be bent over and rounded to form the halo of the angel (I have found that wrapping it around a round pencil works best).  Last, but not least, hot glue the wings and pin on the back and, VOILA!, a beautiful angel to remind you of the blessings bestowed upon us that wonderful Christmas night so long ago!

And, just for your listening pleasure, this is a cool song I've recently discovered that makes saying "Merry Christmas" COOL again! :)

Now, Hippity Hop on over to Judith To see her Fabulous Creation Today!

Friday, October 21, 2011

My Cricut Craft Room's Festive Friday

Welcome to Festive Friday!!!!!  Cricut Craft Room has all sorts of fabulous holiday fun going on today!! Don't forget to go over there and see it all!!!

I chose to do Halloween today, as it is coming up and I needed to make something for my son's class, so this is what I came up with:

For this cute little treat bag, I just used some small treat bags I found at Hobby Lobby and some basic black, orange and white cardstock from my stash.  The ribbon is also from Hobby Lobby.  For the topper itself, I cut a 4"x 4.5" rectangle using my Plantin Schoolbook cartridge and black cardstock.  Then, I scored it halfway along the 4.5" side and folded it; after that, I cut a small rectangle out of the middle (two slits) to fold backward to form a pencil holder.  Then, I wrapped the ribbon around the bottom of it and attached it using glue dots.  For the decoration, I cut a 2.25" scallop circle from  Accent Essentials out of white cardstock (the Shift key of accent31) and a 2.75" out of orange.  On the white, I stamped a candy corn from some stamps in my stash and colored it with some Copic markers I won from Erica (thank you, Erica!!)  Then I stamped the "Trick or Treat" from another stamp stash over the coloring.  After that, I mounted the white scallop on the orange with some foam strips and then mounted the whole thing on the black with more foam strips.  Then, I stapled the whole thing to the treat bag.  Note:  staple the black rectangle part BEFORE attaching the decoration in the middle.....would just be easier. :)

This is a very simple Halloween project, but I tried something new - coloring with my Copics - so I'm happy with myself.  And, I think the kids will love this as well: they get candy AND a pencil and erasers. :)

I hope you've enjoyed my project and, again, don't forget to go by My Cricut Craft Room to see all the Festive Friday projects the Design Team has going on!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Cricut Craft Room's 100 Cartridge Blog Hop, Day 2

Welcome to My Cricut Craft Room's monthly 100+ Cartridge Blog Hop!  You should have arrived from Rosa's blog.  If you just happened across my blog, please go to My Cricut Craft Room to begin at the beginning. 

My first project for today is an Angry Birds card!!  I was soooo excited to find some instructions on how to make an Angry Bird! :)  But, the instructions I had are for using Stampin' Up's punches (which are $16.95 each and out of my price range right now), so I figured out a way to make it with my Cricut and Plantin Schoolbook cartridge. Here's what my Gypsy screen looked like:

And my mat (I wanted to show you that I really DO use scraps to make these little pieces - see the red??):

All of this was to make the Red Bird:

Using Plantin Schoolbook, I made circles:  two at 1.5" and one at 1.25".  I overlapped the 1.25" one on one of the larger circles to get the tummy cut-out of the bird.  I cut the solid 1.5" circle out of gray cardstock and the overlapped ones out of red.  Then, I picked the rectangle and set my sizes to 0.25" wide and 1" or 2" long.  These were cut out of black and red cardstock, as they were to serve as eyebrows and feathers.  Truth be told, I just trimmed them to the length I needed after the fact and I also had to trim them width-wise, too, as the 0.25" width as too wide, but I was afraid to try to cut it any thinner on the Cricut.  The beak was a square cut at 0.41" out of gold cardstock and I just drew the diagonal in with a black gel pen.  Then, the eyes.  I cut two circles out of white cardstock at 0.38" and two black circles at 0.25".  Piecing him together is a matter of you just looking at a picture and making him look as mad as you want... :)

Now, on to the rest of the card:  the pig and the grass.  Here's my Gypsy screen from that:

I just used the grass that comes on Plantin Schoolbook and cut it to fit the length of a 5"x6.5" card and out of kelly green cardstock.  For the pig, I used another 1.5" circle and attached two little 0.25" ovals for ears and welded them together; this I cut out of lime green cardstock.  Then I made another oval that was 0.74" high out of lighter green cardstock for the snout.  The eyes are 0.25" white circles with black dots drawn in.  (I also drew in the nostrils on the snout and the mouth with a gel pen.) I pieced together the pig and then made the cardfront: I popped the grass up on 3-D foam strips and "hid" the pig behind it.  Then, I attached the Red Bird to one of my homemade wobbles and placed him up in the sky.  For the sky,  I just dabbed Tim Holtz Distress Ink in Tumbled Glass around a scrap scallop circle I had to make a cloud effect (got this from the Stampin' Up lady's video, so don't go thinking I went all genius or anything :D ).

For the sentiment on the inside, I used Everyday Pop-Up Cards.  I cut the Pop-up of the "Good Luck" out of the lighter green cardstock and folded it along the scores to attach to the inside.  Truthfully, I think I did something wrong, because it doesn't look like what I pictured it doing, works, so I can't ask for more than that. :)  Here is the finished project:

Is this not the cutest thing for the Angry Birds fans in your life?!?!

Now for my second project:  a card made for a friend that needs a "lift".....I used Inspired Heart cartridge to make this card:

I first found the cross shape that I wanted, then I took its "background" image and placed two of them on the mat (on my Gypsy). I flipped one of the background images, then lined them up and welded them together to make the card.  They are cut at 6.89" high.  Then, I cut the card out of plain white cardstock.  Next, I cut out the cross image at the same height, using some purple metallic cardstock I had from Target (I believe it's Wausau Paper).  I traced the cross pattern on the white card and then colored in the "windows" like stained glass using Sharpies.  Then I layered on the cross and made my stained glass window front.  For the inside, I copied a Bible verse:
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
I printed the verse on plain white paper and then used the template left behind of the card to "stage" where to place the paper for cutting.  When I cut it out (as the card again), I glued it inside the card.  I will put a hand-written sentiment on the other side.
I hope you have enjoyed my projects today; my sincere apologies for the crazy timing of my posts.....Now, on with the Blog Hop!!!
Your next stop is Lisa Newton-Orensky

Here is the entire line up, in case you get lost:

Lisa Newton-Orensky -